WAVES AND WIRES TECHNOLOGIES LLP is an Indian company incorporated on 10/10/2017 and its registered office address is 005, Building no.12, B wing, Sangeet complex, Jesal Park, Bhayandar East, Mira Bhayandar, Maharashtra 401105. The LLP Identification Number (LLPIN) of the company is AAK-8042.

We are a reliable organization engaged in mca provider a qualitative range of industrial products. We are also one of the leading companies of this highly commendable range of products. Our team of experts maintain a vigil on the quality of the products. Every single piece of work is ensured with proper quality assurance. Since our inception in 10/10/2017, we are continually improving our quality to serve our clients better. Use of modern technology, industry standards, timely and quality deliveries, experienced workforce are our USPs.

WAVES AND WIRES TECHNOLOGIES LLP is registered at Registrar of Companies, Mumbai (RoC-Mumbai) The directors of this company are MAMTA JAYESH and JAYESH VIJAYAN.


Are you a newcomer to the world of cooking? Or have you recently started living by yourself? So, you can probably understand the confusion that comes with not knowing their way around the kitchen.

Cooking at home is just a healthy and delicious meal taken from your kitchen to your dining table. However, preparing food can be lengthy and time-consuming. But with the help of good cooking appliances, you can make your cooking pleasant and significantly easier.

It may seem difficult at first, but believe us when we say that: this is not the case! We assure you that electrical kitchen appliances can make working in the kitchen your favorite portion of the day.
Our company WAVES AND WIRES TECHNOLOGIES LLP, helps you to make your household work easier with our highly recommendable electrical products.

Let’s make it a perfect way to begin your kitchen experience.
